It Starts With Attraction
Revealing secrets on how to become the most attractive you can be Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally and Spiritually (or as us insiders call it...the PIES). Hosted by Kimberly Beam Holmes and her husband, Rob Holmes, they dive into new and interesting topics released every Tuesday morning.
It Starts With Attraction
The Secret to LIVING Your FAITH Out Loud
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This episode was recorded in 2022
What happens when a teenage mother becomes a Christian influencer, inspiring women worldwide? Join us for a compelling conversation with Yasmine Williams-Woods as she shares her remarkable journey from becoming a mother at 14 in a small Alabama town to becoming a beacon of hope through faith and biblical truths. Yasmine's story is a testament to the power of resilience and unwavering love, as she opens up about her upbringing by her single mother and her unexpected path into the digital world. Her experiences illuminate the challenges of balancing faith with marriage and motherhood, offering practical insights on integrating spirituality into everyday life.
Explore the intricate dance of building relationships with those who hold different beliefs while maintaining a strong faith identity. Yasmine delves into the art of embodying faith through actions, highlighting the power of spiritual attraction over mere words. She shares her thoughts on humility and submission to God, and how these elements can attract others to faith in subtle, yet profound ways. Through honest reflections, Yasmine encourages openness and genuine connection, even when past religious experiences may have left wounds.
As we wrap up, Yasmine invites us into her personal journey of faith growth, sharing her love for impactful faith-based literature and projects aimed at empowering mothers. Her recommendations, including titles by Mike Todd and Priscilla Shirer, along with her passion for biblical books like 1 and 2 Samuel, offer a roadmap for those seeking spiritual enrichment. Yasmine's journey is a call to courageously live out love in our relationships, urging listeners to reflect on their own path and commitment to God's purpose. Whether through her devotional projects or her presence on social media, Yasmine exemplifies living a life of faith in today's world.
Your Host: Kimberly Beam Holmes, Expert in Self-Improvement and Relationships
Kimberly Beam Holmes has applied her master's degree in psychology for over ten years, acting as the CEO of Marriage Helper & CEO and Creator of PIES University, being a wife and mother herself, and researching how attraction affects relationships. Her videos, podcasts, and following reach over 500,000 people a month who are making changes and becoming the best they can be.
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I am joined today. We are joined today on today's episode with Yasmin Williams-Woods. She is a Christian speaker, writer and YouTuber. She encourages and empowers women with her electrifying messages and equips listeners with actionable motivation anchored in biblical truth. She is a wife. She is a mother of four we are going to ask her about that for sure. With a passion for Christ and a rich knowledge of God's word, she is on a mission to help women lead lives that are proof that love conquers all the things that we face, feel fear and stand in faith. For I love it. Yasmin, thank you so much for joining me today.
Speaker 2:It is truly my pleasure. I'm so excited. Thank you for having me.
Speaker 1:Well, tell us a bit about yourself, about how you got into the space that you're in, becoming a speaker and wanting to encourage and motivate women.
Speaker 2:Yeah, me, in a nutshell, I am a whole hot mess, as I often say, and you mentioned, I have four kids, so I became a mom at the age of 14. And, by the grace of God, just experienced a lot of fruit and a lot of joy and peace and opportunity. And from there I just you know, you look at life and you see how good God has been to you. I just wanted people to know the Jesus that I know, and so I started to share that, but just in a friendship, that's just naturally who I am, kind of way.
Speaker 2:And at some point a friend was like you should start a YouTube channel and I do not like technology y'all. I don't get it. I don't understand how my mind works. I'm feelings and words and emotions and all that technology With touch, people like human touch. Yes, exactly, my husband is the complete opposite, not the complete opposite, but he knows all the things I don't. And so I was like no, I don't. And so I started doing YouTube and things just happened. And so from there I'm learning that God often tells us to do things that he knows we can't do, and the whole point is like you can't do it unless you lean on me and as succinctly as possible. That's kind of how I got here to this place just leaning on God, trusting God, obeying his voice, even in moments where I was like this makes absolutely no sense, and it's never going to work.
Speaker 1:Have you always been a Christian?
Speaker 2:I was raised as a Christian, so indirectly, yes, but for myself I did not begin a relationship with Jesus until I was about 22. But yes, obviously he's always been present in my life. I just hadn't always been present in his life or in his will, in his way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so let's kind of start at the beginning. You've opened up before about being raised by a single mom. What was that like by a single mom.
Speaker 2:What was that like? Yeah, as a child, it just seemed normal. I am from a small town in Alabama and I mean raised in an environment where poverty or all the things that come with a vulnerable society were pretty prevalent to me, so to be raised by a single mom was like oh, everybody's raised by a single mom, I can say. However, it also meant that there were certain luxuries that we didn't have in terms of the nicer things or the family vacations or the going out to eat, just simple things like that. But one thing that we always, always had was my mom's love, which I talk about all the time because it is the epitome of Christ-like love, and that's why I feel now that love really does conquer all. Love absolutely never fails, because, while it seems like we had nothing, I know that I am who I am now because we had everything and because we had the love of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1:So your mom, clearly a very pivotal woman in your life, very pivotal woman in your life how did she balance being a single mom? So how did she have to? I mean, she had the burden of the family, bringing in all the income, but also needed to be there with y'all. How did you see her do this?
Speaker 2:Well, this is y'all. I'm so sorry this is going to sound so cliche, I'm sorry. Sorry that every answer goes back to God, but it just really is the truth. In my life but I saw her operate in his grace. It never once looks like it was a struggle for her, whereas now in my life, if I don't have something that I need or I have a deadline, I have struggled with anxiety and just going through seasons where I have to really be stretched in my faith or my trust and dependence on God. But for my mom she never seemed to be overwhelmed or stressed and I know as a woman now that she most certainly was but she did what she had to do, she made it work. And and then I'm the youngest of three girls, so I also have two older sisters who were a huge help as well in terms of um, driving me places or, you know, cooking, cleaning, doing all the things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, now was your mom a Christian as well, always a Christian, when you were growing up.
Speaker 2:Always a.
Speaker 1:Christian. So how did she react when you got pregnant at 14?
Speaker 2:Woo, like Christ, so loving, so kind and so forgiving. So I did not tell anyone that I was expecting until I went into labor. What In labor? Yes In labor, in labor, yes in labor.
Speaker 2:And the only reason I shared then is because I thought I was dying. I literally thought it never crossed my mind that I was going in labor. I just thought I was dying and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm going to have to, like I need help. I have to tell my mother, my family, that I'm pregnant because I need help. And like, even in this moment, I just hear like that's a, that's a word of encouragement for somebody of, like we go through life and things get hard and we're like, we're desperate and our situation is dire and we feel like we're dying, but know that that's the very place where God wants us to speak and call out for him so that he can help us, because only he can save us. So I felt like I was dying and I went into my mom's bedroom it was the middle of the night and probably around 5 am, so early morning actually and I woke her up, or I crawled into bed with her.
Speaker 2:I woke her up and I said I'm pregnant and so she's like. She said so you're having a baby, which, retrospective, is hilarious, because if I'm pregnant and I'm having a baby, yeah, but yeah, and that was all she said. So she got up and started to get ready for work. Mind you, I'm still dying, but I don't know what to do at this point, cause that's all she said. So she prepares to go for work. My sister picked her up for work and I walk out with her and my sister's like where is she's going? And my mom said I guess she's going to the hospital. So went to the hospital.
Speaker 2:By the time I got there, my like I'd gone into full labor in my sister's car. So, um and y'all, I'm sorry if this is TMI, but and then so my son was actually born. I was on the stretcher, the hospital bed, or whatever, um, but he was fully delivered on the elevator by physicians. Thankfully that we've gotten physicians by that point. But yeah, that was her reaction. And so by the time we get to the hospital room, it's kind of like this is life, this is our reality. So we were sitting around the bed my mom, my oldest sister and her husband and we just started thinking about names and we decided my son's name is Joshua. His middle initial is C. My mom chose Joshua, biblical Christian lover, and we decided middle initial C because we were like you know, josh really is a miracle from Jesus Christ and that's how we, that's how we got there.
Speaker 1:That is insane. How did you hide that you were pregnant?
Speaker 2:I well, I'm, I'm fairly small size. So when I, when I was pregnant, I it just looked like I was going through puberty, like most 14 year old girls do. Like I was growing boobs, which I no longer have, and just hips and weight. So I was like becoming a little curvy more than anything. Until the end, by month eight, it was pretty obvious. So one, I just looked like I was gaining normal weight. And then the second thing is I did all the things I would normally do, like I was on the cheerleading squad, I was in theater productions, I did all the things that a normal high schooler would do. And I think in that people just like, oh, feel like, oh, it's just normal.
Speaker 1:So what was life like for you? You're 14 years old and you've just delivered your son.
Speaker 2:Ignorance is bliss, and for anybody listening I have to apologize, because it's not like this profound story of like I struggle and then I overcame. I just was completely naive and I think that's like incomprehensible peace. Peace that transcends understanding is what I experienced. So I had my son and at that point it really was like, okay, what do I do to make our lives better, our lives better? And so I love school, I love school, I love learning, I just I love it. And so I'd always done well in school and I just was like, okay, I got to like do even better now. So I was, by the grace of God, able to graduate valedictorian on my high school class, I was able to go on to college, graduate college, do all the things, and so that became my focus. I just became so fixated on on, I guess, earthly success or just making things different, so there wasn't any time to worry about like this is hard, this is difficult, this is challenging.
Speaker 2:I think my most difficult seasons of life actually came probably within the last decade, and that's when I met my husband and we had more children and we had to blend a family, and that's when. That's when life really really got crazy. And Kimberly, you asked me at the beginning how did I, how did I reach this point of sharing God's truth with other women? It was in that season when life became overwhelmingly too much, because by that time I had already like I'd been following Jesus, I was ministering, I was serving, I was studying his word. I checked all the success boxes, in addition to really growing in my faith. So I didn't understand why life had gotten so unbearably hard. So the Bible tells us seeking you will find. So I went seeking through scripture of like no, how do I endure, how do I overcome, how do I persevere, how do I grow, how do I remain strengthened? And as I find answers because I don't have them all, but as I find answers I'm like okay, let me tell all the people, because we need to know.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Would you share more or go deeper into a story about what some of those hardest parts of the past decade of your life have been? What are some of those difficult moments that you got to decade of your life?
Speaker 2:have been. What are some of those difficult moments that you got to? Yeah, I would have to say, oh, that one caught me off. So I'm like, where do I start?
Speaker 2:I feel that in my, in my marriage, like I was raised by a single mom and I was a single mom for nine years and my mom was very strong and is very strong and independent, and I am very strong, self-sufficient, independent, and I didn't know how to do life with someone else, and our relationship with Christ requires us to die to ourselves.
Speaker 2:I never had to really die to myself because, like all was well and rainbows and unicorns. However, when you do life with someone, I started to see that like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, I am a hot, broken mess. I have an attitude, I am selfish, I am self-righteous, I am like because I'm this perfect Christian and so I just I am right, and so it just was really hard to be hit with truth about myself. It was really hard to work on those flaws within myself, while also seeing that my husband is also a flawed person and sometimes feeling like, well, why am I working on my flaws? That challenge of dying to flesh was the hardest part, and realizing that, no matter how much we grow in our faith, the work that Jesus has started will not be finished until the day of Jesus Christ when he comes back. So it just was. It was a rude awakening to see that like, oh, you don't have this figured out, you have not arrived and you desperately need Jesus.
Speaker 1:How do you prioritize time with Jesus? How do you? Well, I'll just leave that open. How do you, how do you make sure you have the time to spend with him?
Speaker 2:Okay, so I do like the morning routine and it varies because y'all, I'm very big on like I'm a mom of four and I am a former educator. So at one point in my life you know it meant waking up at five and being out of the door by six. So I'm not someone who's going to be like the first thing you do when you wake up you need to like spend an hour with God. I understand that that's not always feasible and God gives us grace, but we do have to prioritize starting our day with God in some way, like I'm a worship, I'm going to pray, I'm going to read the word Maybe I don't study scripture until later, but it's just carving out time every single day and I know we're in seasons where we're busy. So some seasons have looks like and I say this now because it's easier for me now to make time for God, because I do run my ministry and so I'm always home, or not always, but I just have more time to do that but there have been seasons where my time with God was while I commuted or while I worked out. It's just finding time or making the time a part of something that you are already doing, and it's so vital because I am a completely different person if I have not spent time with Jesus.
Speaker 2:I joke that Jesus saves and he does, and he died on the cross and he saved us from our sin. But in today, literally he saves. He saves my kids from cross and he saved us from our sin. But in today, like, literally he saves, he saves my kids from my flesh, from my impatience, from my attitude, from my anger, all of it. So I have to make time for Jesus or I just I'm afraid to think of what might happen. How old are your kids? Think of what might happen. How old are your kids? My oldest is 19. I have twin girls who are eight and I have my youngest daughter, who is six.
Speaker 1:Wow, so you are a full life of all, of the whole spectrum.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is exhausting.
Speaker 1:How do you incorporate them either into worship or Bible study, or how do you encourage your kids to do it on their own?
Speaker 2:Yes. So we've done a variety of things and kind of as I was saying about for myself personally making God a part of just everything that you already do. That's really big for us. I mean, we have our children's devotionals that we follow, that we read, that we listen to, we pray every morning, every night and again before we go into the school day. We do our biblical affirmations before we leave the house in the morning and it's just literally a part of every conversation that we have. And because I want them to see that it's a lifestyle, it is a way of life. It's not this taxing thing that I have to do that I have to make extra time for, it's just. It's what I, what we do is who we are, is how we live, is how we function.
Speaker 1:Yeah, have you had, especially your. Your younger kids, like the two eight-year-olds and the six-year-old, ask you questions about the Bible or about Jesus, and it gets to a point where you're like I don't know the answer to that question.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, like even my 19 year old, because he's in college now. So he, sometimes we he was just texting me stuff last night and I can, I can, I'm more able to answer his questions, but even still, sometimes I'm like, okay, wait, let me pray about it, I'll get back to you, let me study scripture. But my girls, they want to know all the things about heaven and when Jesus is coming back. And I'm like, and what is it like after you die? I mean, my kids are all about everything, revelations Not that they've ever read Revelations, but I'm just like, can we start with Noah's Ark?
Speaker 2:Please Go to the basics. But they have these complex questions and thoughts often, often. But I like that they get to hear me say I don't know, but this is what I believe, this is what it means for me, or this scripture says this. So this is the way I look at it, but I'm not sure you should pray about it. So really empowering them to start to lean into their own spirituality and seeking God and trusting God, even at eight.
Speaker 2:But the other night I'll tell you, because I always say, before they get out of the car, I always say work hard and put God first. And so we say this, and the other night my youngest she says what does it mean to put God first? And I was like great question, because I never, you know, I just say this. I've been saying this since Josh was a kid and so we had a good conversation on what that means, what that looks like in our choices and our friendships and our, you know, obedience to our teachers or or whatever. So that was that was good. Some questions I can answer, some of them, some of them I cannot. So that was a good question.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I'm in it too. My, my daughter is seven and she's been asking the question recently what is it? How do you hear God? Great question, I said. Well, so the first thing I said is we can hear him by reading his words, like reading the Bible. But then sometimes you hear him in you and she's like how, what does that mean? It's like how do I explain this to a seven?
Speaker 2:yearold Right. But it's so good that they're having the conversations and it's a testament to you too, how you parent and how you show up, that they're curious and want to know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I want to start writing down a lot of their questions, because some of them are kind of funny, like does God sleep? It's like, well, no, like the Bible says God doesn't sleep or slumber. And then she goes but what about Jesus? Okay, so when Jesus was on earth?
Speaker 2:he slept. Yes, now, do your little ones ever like call the Bible out to you, of like check you with the Bible? Not yet, oh my gosh, because I was saying something the other day that was like I'm not a negative person, but I can't. So I can't remember, but it was ultimately not my norm of something that I couldn't do, and Ella Rose has done this twice. She'll either tell me, remind me of Philippians 4 and 13, or she'll always remind God, doesn't give you the spirit of fear.
Speaker 2:Because I'm like, oh, I'm just so nervous, and she just always those are her go-to and I'm just like you're right, okay, you're right. Let me take the advice that I would give to someone else.
Speaker 1:Yeah, how do you talk about your faith or Jesus?
Speaker 2:with friends that you have who aren't believers? That's a tough one, I mean, I don't think it's. It's not a tough question to answer, but it is a tough thing to navigate because y'all I am, I'm, I'm obsessed with him and I'm crazy about him. So the people in my life, whether they're friends or just acquaintances, they know that that's who I am and where I stand. But I also, as they see me and know me, I see them and hear them as well. So it's not like I'm going to talk about my faith always, but when someone else is sharing about their lives, I'm not going to and I know that they are not believers. I'm not going to talk about their life in a faith, in a Jesus centric kind of way. I'm just going to respond lovingly and with kindness kind of way. I'm just going to respond lovingly and with kindness, but I might only say Jesus three times as opposed to 16.
Speaker 2:But yeah, even now we're new to the Austin area and I've been meeting moms and many of whom are not or who practice a different religion many of whom are not or who practice a different religion and we just have normal human conversations and they're kind and they feel like I'm kind and we respect one another. But one mom in particular she texted me the other day. She's like I'm just so grateful that I met you and I just feel a connection. I'm like I feel the same thing and God has placed her on my heart in many ways and led me to do things and in my mind I'm just like, yeah, girl, it's Jesus. It's Jesus, but, like you, maybe one day I pray that you will get there and see that. But the things that she was saying in the text message, I was like, oh, girl, only if you knew that it's really God working and moving. But does that answer your question? I'm sorry, because I don't know how I it's hard to not show up as yourself and who I am, as a believer.
Speaker 1:It's the relationship, though, right I mean. I think that's the key. It's helping people understand you, love them and see them as a person, not as like a mission project.
Speaker 1:Yes for sure, but I don't, I don't know there's, there's still sometimes. If there's people where I know that they it's not that just that they aren't Christians, like that they're anti-Christian, like if someone has hurt them or they've been hurt by an experience, then I have. I struggle sometimes with like do I say more, do I say less? Like, am I going to push them away If I talk too much about Jesus? Like, how do I, how do I walk through this with them but also be my true, authentic self without ostracizing them?
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I don't know the answer to that. I do feel like I know we were going to possibly talk about spiritual attraction and I think that exists not just within marriages but I mean in discipleship as a whole. So even if someone is completely overtly anti-Christ a church or whatever we can still operate in relationship with them, authentic relationship, separate from our. I don't want to say separate from our faith because we can't separate from our. I don't want to say separate from our faith because, like we can't separate from our faith, but like without it, like I never have to talk to you about Jesus at all, but because of the term spiritual attraction, no matter what I say or do, you're going to see the God in me or you're going to see the light in me. And because it's God, because it's power in me and because it's God, because it's power, because that's just how Jesus works, I do think we just continue to show up.
Speaker 2:I've been talking a lot about how I mentor a lot of teen moms and many of them some of them, I should say have never heard of Jesus and that was so foreign for me growing up in a small town in Alabama, like everybody knew Jesus and so. But there are some people, um, whom I've been blessed to mentor, who had never heard of Jesus, but the conversation, or when you talk about Jesus, they're just completely shut down. Life has been too too overwhelmingly hard. And I get it. They're very valid given the things that, as humans, we face. And so conversations will start because I like your earrings, or oh, that's so nice of you, or oh, I like that song too, or oh, my gosh, you as a believer walking in the wheel of God. You don't have to say it without showing it. Even if you never say it, people see it, and that's just the beauty of the God whom we serve. And we feel like I know I'm talking a lot, but I'll wrap this up we feel like, oh, my gosh, I got it, like there's a sense of urgency because we want everybody to know Jesus. And I get it because I operate in that same sense of urgency Like I need you to know him, I need you, I want you to be saved. Jesus wants you to be saved. But we have to know that he is all powerful and he doesn't need us to say Jesus, jesus, do here, go here, submit or believe or repent of your sins. We don't always have to do that. God just wants us to be the vessel in most cases.
Speaker 2:Like you, just show up and wear that green shirt. I have somebody their favorite color is green. They're going to say something about that shirt. I have somebody their favorite color is green. They're going to say something about that shirt and you don't understand that. That's really the shirt, is really a seed into my life. So, prayerfully, that made sense along the way. I just think we just have to be like God. I don't know what to do, but I know you know what to do, so I'm just going to show up and use me however you see fit, like no pressure at all. Just show up and do you.
Speaker 1:How would you answer the question what makes someone, or what do you believe makes you, spiritually attractive?
Speaker 2:I think total submission when which is hard I'm, I don't want to make it seem like I, I have that all the way figured out but it is someone whose heart is turned so beautifully toward God where you can't, you can't deny it, and that person, I think so, is submission with a heart turned toward God. And it's also, it's humility, which, if you're submitted, you're humble, because most people who have that powerful spiritual attraction, they don't even. They're just confused. When good things happen to them or when people see good in them, it's just like they're like, oh my gosh, you're getting, like wow, really, they're just floored because they aren't operating from a place of self. It is really like we talk about less of me and more you got.
Speaker 2:And people with the most intriguing spiritual attraction are those who are like none of me, but all of you, god, like I really show up to serve you. And in times it's like the people who are even afraid to show up or who are shy, or who are hesitant or you know any type of emotion, feel like they're not this enough, hesitant, or you know any type of emotion, feel like they're not this enough, but they do it anyway because it's like I'm not strong enough or smart enough or wealthy enough, but God is, so I'm, it's all him. You know he perfects his strength in our weak places and I think spiritual attraction are the people who are weak enough to let God be strong the people who are weak enough to let God be strong, so good.
Speaker 1:What are some of your favorite? Either books like faith-based books, or podcasts or things like that that you use to continue learning and growing in your faith.
Speaker 2:Great question. So I can I think of a book in this season, cause I love. What am I reading? Right now I am reading Crazier Faith by Mike Todd Um, but in general I love anything that Lisa Turker's writes. Like I am just I. The beauty with which she puts words together are just so powerful. They just resonate with me and I just feel Holy Spirit speak to me in the way that she writes. So anything Lisa Turkers. I also love Priscilla Shire. I listen to a lot of sermons more than podcasts. Like, I have a handful of podcasts that I go to, but I don't introduce new podcasts often because I spend so much time listening to sermons on YouTube or reading God's Word or a book, a Christian book that someone has written.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what is your favorite either? Well, both. So what is your favorite book of the Bible and your favorite extra biblical book?
Speaker 2:My favorite book of the Bible would have to be I'm going to go with first and second Samuel. I know that's two. I really love the story of David. My favorite Bible story, however, is in second Kings, but it's just like one story compared to the whole book. So I'm going to have to go with first and second Kings and then my favorite book. I'm going to go with two. Neither of them is they aren't Christian based but it's the Alchemist and oh the Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss.
Speaker 1:So, yes. Those are good. Yeah Well, I've never read the Alchemist. I have no clue what it's about. But oh, the Places You'll Go is good.
Speaker 2:It's so good, but you got to read the Alchemist at some point.
Speaker 1:What is it? What is it about?
Speaker 2:For me it is about like following the path that God has placed, like that God ordered for you. It's just was such a spiritual experience reading that book. It was cathartic, it was empowering, it was just about being on the journey that God has mapped out for you. Now, I'm not sure if that's what the author intended, but I do think that's a part of it. But I went somewhere, totally Jesus, while reading it. So it says it's a magical story. A shepherd boy yearns to travel in search of worldly treasure, and so it just wasn't that, it wasn't the worldly. For me it was like, yes, god, I hear you Like this, this heavenly treasure that we have through Jesus Christ. I loved it.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. What words of encouragement would you leave for our listeners that may be going through a hard time or a difficult place or struggling with their faith?
Speaker 2:So many things. I have to say this to be true to myself as I mentioned earlier in the conversation, love never fails. So I just want you to know if you are that person in that place. I want you to know that you really can conquer it. You really can get through it with Jesus. I mean, my thing on my channel and most things that I write is conquer life with courageous love. And so we conquer these things that we face in life by leveraging the work that Jesus did on the cross. His act of love was so courageous and if he can conquer death, then surely, as his children, as his vessels, as his chosen people, we can conquer the things that we face in life. So I would just want to encourage somebody to keep going, keep trusting, keep believing and seek God. I love it, Yasmin. Where can our listeners?
Speaker 1:find you? I love it, Yasmin. Where can our listeners find you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I am most recently y'all. I am on TikTok Girl. Yeah, I did not want to do it, but it's become a happy place for me. That's great. Yasmin underscore, williams Woods. And then on YouTube Yasmin Williams Woods and then my website, YasminWilliamsWoodscom.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. Do you have any projects?
Speaker 2:you're working on or things that you're up to Always all the things. I have a new devotional, I don't. I have a new devotional which you can see all about that on my website or on Amazon, and it's 21 days and it's all about discipline, or discipleship over discipline. It's 21 days for courageous moms, so check that out. I've just been doing some one-on-one work with a lot of the women whom I serve and get to work, who've become a part of my ministry that way. But yeah, there's always a new YouTube video every single week. There are all the things, all the things. There's a weekly Bible study, virtually, if you want to join us for that.
Speaker 1:That's cool. That's awesome. Well, we will include all those links in the show notes to your social channels, your YouTube and your website. And love the devotional. That's what a great one. This discipleship over discipline 21 days Sounds fantastic. I love it. Thank you so much for joining us, Yasmin. It's been a pleasure speaking with you.
Speaker 2:Thank you, the pleasure has been mine. Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:Here are my key price takeaways from our conversation today with Yasmin Williams-Woods. First of all, love conquers all. She said that multiple times. She mentioned that that is what her mom put and instilled into her. It's what she is her mom put and instilled into her. It's what she is wanting to put and instill into her kids in her marriage and it's been what she has experienced in all of her difficulties. At the end, she even said courageous acts of love. How can we be doing more of those for the people that we have in our lives? That is my question for you. So many times we look at the struggle in a relationship with our kids, with our spouse, with a friend, and we look at it as something to get through or something to maybe be the end of the relationship. But what if we reframed it and said how can I show courageous love towards this person even when the situation makes it difficult to do so?
Speaker 1:My second key pies takeaway from this episode is the importance of making it intentional to spend time with God. So a Bible study, listening to worship music, having prayer, meditating on His Word. What are you doing? And I asked myself this I am in a season oh my gosh after I broke my foot and all the other things that I did to my foot on my birthday about six months ago. I have just been out of my routine and I feel it. When she said that, when she said you know me being in that constant discipline of being in communion and contact with God, it changes me. And when I don't have that, it changes me and I totally feel that. My question to you and my question for me is how are you making it intentional to spend time with Jesus?
Speaker 1:And then my third and final takeaway from our conversation what does it look like to live in total submission? If that is what can lead us to becoming spiritually attractive, especially as Christians, then are we? Are you living in submission to God, to His way, to His will, to His purpose for your life? And in what areas are you living in rebellion, and maybe not even in a bad way, but you're just pushing through and trying to continue in your own strength or going against something that you know you shouldn't do. Maybe it's something as simple as gossip. Maybe it's something like dealing with your jealousy and not being as jealous or envious, or maybe it's you're doing a bunch of good things, but it's taking time away from the people that God put in your life to serve, like your spouse and your children. How would it look for you to live in total submission to God's will for your life? Until next week, stay strong.